Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Game Boy goes Shrinky Dink

Though not as small (and perhaps not quite as sexy) as the iPod Nano, the Nintendo Game Boy Micro is sure to turn a few heads.

Nintendo released the reduced sized handheld in Japan this past week. They have yet to release official numbers, but the product has apparently sold better than originally expected. However, sales did not do as well as the GBA-SP. But how could it? The GBA line has already reached a saturation point, with 67.77 million sold worldwide.

But Nintendo isn't aiming towards the hard core gamer crowd with the Micro. They are looking to broaden the video game population by appealing to those have yet to catch the Pac-man bug. The smaller size and custom face plates are designed to help alleviate the stereotypical geek image that is commonly associated with playing games. Overall, it looks less like a toy, and more like a cell phone. I'd say this device was made with 20 and 30 somethings in mind.

I've read that Nintendo is looking for alternative venues to sell these devices. The chain store Hot Topic comes to mind. Hot Topic already sells video game related merchandising, like shirts and wallets. But they also cater to other large pop cultures: goth, rock, emo and alternative.

The U.S. version is coming out on September 19th for the retail price of $99. I don't plan on getting one, because I already have an SP, a DS and the Game Boy player for the cube. But I still think this device, if marketed correctly, will easily sell in millions.

One more thing...

It's the 20th Anniversary of Super Mario today. W00t!


Blogger Eric Mortensen said...

i think it'd really benefit them to knock the price down by $25 come xmas...or throw in an mp3 add-on at the $99 price.

8:06 AM  
Blogger thumbuki said...

You're right. But the problem for Nintendo is, at the current moment, the Micro costs more to manufacture than the SP. I also think that Nintendo is going to push the DS this winter.

They've almost put themselves in a win-win situation with the micro. Someone could buy a micro for $99. Or they can pay only $30 more for the DS.

I am curious as to when the play-yan mp3/movie player will be released in the U.S. And if I wasn't lazy right now, I'd google it.

9:29 AM  

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